This is the Activity Consent form needed for the Boy Scouts of America. Troop 128 requires one of these forms filled out every year.
This is a PDF link to the medical forms for The Boy Scouts of America.
Whatever you may have ever wanted to know about Troop 128 and what we do.
Merit Badge Counselor List
This is the current list of Merit Badge counselors.
All the information one would ever need to know about Boy Scout Merit Badges. Information on requirements.
Eagle Scout Information Page
A collection of a lot of resources to assist you in achieving Eagle Scout rank and planning the celebration to follow - everything from Eagle planning guides to extensive court of honor materials. Whether you are a Boy Scout looking for practical resources for yourself, a parent who is supporting your very own Eagle Scout candidate, or a Scouter helping one boy or assisting hundreds, you'll find tools that will empower you and help you do your best!
A great site that will show you animations on how to tie all the important knots.
Backpacking camp set up tips for sanitation and bear proofing.
Camping / Packing Checklist
An all weather all event checklist, for personal and troop gear.
This is the paperwork for the Palm, including board of review signatures.
Youth Protection Training
Every adult that is planning on going on trips with the troop or the patrols MUST have completed Youth Protection Training!